Via ferratas, i.e. secured climbing trails, have experienced a boom in recent years. However, there is a difference between protected mountain trail and Via Ferrata, that you must be aware of:
Protected mountain trails
are in a natural mountain environment and have safety devices such as ropes, lines, wedges,… to help you negotiate the most challenging and exposed parts of the trail. However, the guards are not placed all along the route, but only on the more dangerous parts! Many of the difficult and exposed parts of the protected mountain trails do not have guards.
Via Ferratas
are outdoor sports facilities that seek the most attractive passages over the walls and are often located near tourist centres, at mountain stations or sports parks. They are popular among hikers who wish to upgrade their mountain experiences and among lovers of adrenaline-fuelled challenges.
Conventional via ferratas, those located in the mountains, are intended for hikers on their way to the summit. Sports via ferratas, however, mainly attract adrenaline junkies who like climbing. In contrast with the via ferratas located in the hills, the main goal of sports via ferratas is not to reach a mountain summit, but to enjoy climbing.